Painting the themes of joy, peace and contentment, Merrily Lynn brings brush to paper. Those vital moments of life inspire her to portray them through the medium of watercolor.
She paints with watercolor because it expresses the translucent, free quality of reflected light in those moments of happiness and solitude. Painting with watercolor, Merrily feels a sense of oneness with the process. The water requires patience to apply the paint at the correct time for the needed effect. Water has a mission of its own, to spread, and so it becomes a dance of cooperation between the painter, paint and paper. As in life, the unity of purpose and humility is to wait on the grand design by the Grand Designer.
Merrily has a degree in graphic arts, and has designed commercially for businesses, corporations, and private commissions. Her work is displayed in galleries in Ohio and private collections in the West. Awards include national and local shows.